Yoga Nidra Training - Online

"Yoga Nidra begins in Savasana but only when Savasana ends, then Yoga Nidra begins."

Yoga Nidra "touches", explores the different levels of being (the Koshas). It helps us examine, reduce and release the psychic imprints (Samskaras) that do not serve us and increase the development of those benefiting us. Its regular practice helps us understand how the mind works. But these are only some of the stages of the practice. The real purpose of Yoga Nidra is the union with our unlimited self, accepting all the levels of our being.
Simply put: Yoga Nidra is an adventure into the secret world of the subconscious and the discovery of the super-conscious.

The practice of Yoga Nidra guides practitioners on a special and very personal journey.

As a teacher you touch the most fragile part of the practitioners, you guide them into the realm of the subconscious & super-conscious. You are helping them to access the "hard drive" of their mind and changing the programs that are blocking their evolution. Teaching Yoga Nidra requires basic and essential knowledge about the mind - how it works, and how it is affected.

In this 23-hour training course, I give you the foundation and experience so you can teach Yoga Nidra with self-confidence, comfort and awareness.

I will help you bridge Eastern wisdom with Western knowledge for you to clearly understand its secrets.

You will discover the wisdom of this ancestral practice and the philosophy from which it derives.
You will understand the power of the words, the power beyond the words, the role of metaphors and the effect of the voice. 

At the end of the training, you will have the necessary basis and tools (course samples, practices, etc.) to cultivate your personal teaching. You will be able to share the depth, essence and sacredness of Yoga Nidra. This way you will have.

The training is designed for yoga teachers and dedicated practitioners. For those who wish, the hours can be added as Continuing Education (YACEP) for Yoga Alliance ©.


The training goes into depth in the following chapters:

Theory - History
Science - Application
Evolution and spirituality
Practical tools

You will be given a rich manual - 5 original sessions and "keys" for creating your own sessions


to have attended a 200-hour yoga teacher training program.


15 hours + 4 sessions & 4 hours assignments



Possibility of payment plan

The trainings I offer you are In person and Online, so you will have the advantages of Online courses (flexibility, accessibility, reduced cost, etc.) without the disadvantages (isolation, lack of interaction, etc.).